Regiment IV Jig Cast Rod

SKU 1620468
Model #REGIMENT IV Jig 601 30-50lb c
rod length: 1.84m Need help?
1.84m 2.40m
rod power: Extra Heavy Need help?
Extra Heavy Heavy
line rating: 30 - 50 lb Need help?
20 - 30 lb 30 - 50 lb
rod action: Fast
number of pieces: 1
guide type: Seaguide® Aluminum Oxide
rod handle material: High Grade EVA
color: Silver


The PENN Regiment IV Jig rods incorporate SLS3 blank assembly, providing a very thin diameter blank that’s lighter and also more ergonomic to use. The palming reel seat makes fishing with a multiplier or low profile reel as comfortable as it can get. The relatively short length of these rods gives great leverage – ensuring you can apply maximum pressure to a monster halibut or cod. The front grips are made of high-density EVA with a triangular shape to give the best possible grip. These rods are finished with only the best SeaGuide guides, which are fully saltwater-proof and very strong, making them able to handle the biggest cod or halibut swimming in the deep sea.

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  • High modulus 30T carbon blank
  • SLS3 blank construction
  • Triangular front EVA grip for extra grip
  • Saltwater-proof SeaGuide guides
  • Heavy-duty DPS reel seat
  • Cross gimbal
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Compare model Specs

Model Number REGIMENT IV Jig 601 20-30lb cREGIMENT IV Jig 601 30-50lb c
SKU 16204671620468
gross weight0.3400.320
guide typeSeaguide® Aluminum OxideSeaguide® Aluminum Oxide
line rating20 - 30 lb30 - 50 lb
lure ratingNoneNone
net weight0.3400.320
number of guides with tip007007
number of pieces11
package count001001
reel seatPSS TypePSS Type
rod actionFastFast
rod blank materialHigh Modulus 30T CarbonHigh Modulus 30T Carbon
rod length2.40m1.84m
rod powerHeavyExtra Heavy
unit of dimensionININ
volume unitFT3FT3
water typeSaltwaterSaltwater
Model Number REGIMENT IV Jig 601 20-30lb cREGIMENT IV Jig 601 30-50lb c
SKU 16204671620468
gross weight0.3400.320
guide typeSeaguide® Aluminum OxideSeaguide® Aluminum Oxide
line rating20 - 30 lb30 - 50 lb
lure ratingNoneNone
net weight0.3400.320
number of guides with tip007007
number of pieces11
package count001001
reel seatPSS TypePSS Type
rod actionFastFast
rod blank materialHigh Modulus 30T CarbonHigh Modulus 30T Carbon
rod length2.40m1.84m
rod powerHeavyExtra Heavy
unit of dimensionININ
volume unitFT3FT3
water typeSaltwaterSaltwater
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