Tidal XR Beach Caster Sliding RS

rod length: Potrzebuję pomocy?
3.90m 4.20m
rod power: Medium Heavy
rod action: Fast
number of pieces: 2
guide type: Fuji® O
rod handle material: Shrink Tube
color: Transparent Blue
lure rating: 112 - 225 g


PENN Tidal XR is part of the new and exclusive Tidal Surfcasting Concept in PENN. The Tidal XR Beach casters with sliding reel seats have been especially designed to be used with either a fixed spool reel or multiplier and are equipped with the new SW proof Fuji-O deep pressed frame guides. The blanks are built with a mixture of high modulus 30/40T carbon to ensure a lightweight, responsive and very slim blank. Next to that, the special Carbon X-Wrap technology adds to the strength of the and also decreased twisting, thereby improving casting accuracy and control. The strong glow in the dark paint makes it also easy to see bites during low light conditions and next to that, they are all equipped with a special X-Shrink casting grip to give maximum control during your cast.

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Porównaj model Specyfikacje

Numer modelu PENN TidalXR 13ft Beach Caster S 8oz 2pcPENN TidalXR 14ft Beach Caster S 8oz 2pc
SKU 15732761573277
colorTransparent BlueTransparent Blue
gross weight0.6400.740
guide typeFuji® OFuji® O
line ratingNoneNone
lure rating112 - 225 g112 - 225 g
net weight0.6400.740
number of guides with tip010010
number of pieces22
package count001001
reel seatSliding RSSliding RS
rod actionFastFast
rod blank material30/40T Carbon+ X-Wrap30/40T Carbon+ X-Wrap
rod buttJapanese X-Shrink Casting GripJapanese X-Shrink Casting Grip
rod length3.90m4.20m
rod powerMedium HeavyMedium Heavy
unit of dimensionCMCM
volume unitCCMCCM
water typeSaltwaterSaltwater
Numer modelu PENN TidalXR 13ft Beach Caster S 8oz 2pcPENN TidalXR 14ft Beach Caster S 8oz 2pc
SKU 15732761573277
colorTransparent BlueTransparent Blue
gross weight0.6400.740
guide typeFuji® OFuji® O
line ratingNoneNone
lure rating112 - 225 g112 - 225 g
net weight0.6400.740
number of guides with tip010010
number of pieces22
package count001001
reel seatSliding RSSliding RS
rod actionFastFast
rod blank material30/40T Carbon+ X-Wrap30/40T Carbon+ X-Wrap
rod buttJapanese X-Shrink Casting GripJapanese X-Shrink Casting Grip
rod length3.90m4.20m
rod powerMedium HeavyMedium Heavy
unit of dimensionCMCM
volume unitCCMCCM
water typeSaltwaterSaltwater
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